Bringing people on board who know first-hand the daily struggles and difficult decisions that arise from inadequate and unaffordable energy often proves invaluable. Often, their engagement can draw others from historically underserved or underrepresented groups, ultimately boosting the EC’s legitimacy and credibility.

Text box showing low material costs but high human resources and difficulty in replicability for recruiting local energy champions.

Recruiting community leaders as energy champions can help break down language and cultural barriers, including in the design and delivery of awareness campaigns, collective action, local advocacy or technical training. Their local ‘roots’ and on-the-ground knowledge will be invaluable on many levels.

A commitment to making this a paid position(rather than volunteer) can demonstrate that the EC appropriately values the time required and is invested in improving the economic situation of individuals in the community.

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The CEES project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101026972.