Advocacy & awareness:

The Energy Action Project

  • Engage

Realising the potential of ECs to alleviate energy poverty requires strategic communication on multiple levels. Having developed COLD@HOME, a multimedia journalistic platform that reports on energy poverty and solutions in the EU, the Energy Action Project (EnAct) is well-suited to lead this aspect of CEES.

Broadly, the communications strategy aims to

  • boost understanding of energy poverty in the European context
  • highlight the role of solidarity within ECs to deliver energy justice
  • demonstrate the added value of the tools developed by the consortium.

CEES identifies three primary target audiences.

  • Energy community organisers
    CEES seeks to strengthen solidarity among existing ECs and promote wider uptake of mechanisms and measures to deliver a just, clean energy transition. While creating the Energy Solidarity Toolkit, CEES will create opportunities for engagement, knowledge sharing and learning by doing.
  • The policy and stakeholder community
    The ultimate goal of CEES is to demonstrate ECs as an approach to tackling energy poverty that can be implemented and scaled-up quickly, with mechanisms tailored to local contexts. To this end, the project will regularly report on progress with supporting data and recommendations for policy, regulation, financing, etc.
  • Energy users, including those in energy poverty
    To uphold the principles of energy solidarity, CEES will help build energy know-how among EC members. Content targeting this audience must be engaging and empowering. It should help people understand energy, their options when using it, where to seek information or assistance, and ways to participate in energy decision making, including at community and political levels.

EnAct will promote the project and the role of ECs more broadly through the project website and social media campaigns, newsletters, press releases and media relations, and conferences.

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The CEES project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101026972.