After two years of exploring, replicating, adapting and piloting various energy solidarity mechanisms, CEES is ready to share its knowledge and experience! Join us for upcoming webinars and open days that will be very ‘workshop’ oriented!

Solidarity and tackling energy poverty are key principles of the just, clean energy transition embedded within the Europe Green Deal, which specifically recognizes an important role for energy communities.

As the project moves into its final year, CEES partners are keen to help the wider energy community movement take up solidarity measures that ensure vulnerable households can more fully participate in a fair and just energy transition. 

What does CEES offer?

A key finding of the CEES survey conducted in 2021 was that many energy communities wanted to become more active in tackling energy poverty. CEES can now offer new insights and advice in each the following areas:

  • Identifying energy poor or vulnerable households by establishing referral networks with frontline workers or creating targeted campaigns.
  • Engaging with such households through community events or household visits to deliver Energy Efficiency Packages and provide advice for energy efficiency.
  • Taking action, through hard and soft measures, to tackle energy poverty, for example by developing energy savings measures, setting up a community-led renovations mechanism, and more.
  • Training young volunteers to become Energy Advisors.
  • Financing energy poverty alleviation activities through micro-donations, crowdfunding or targeted fundraising.

Importantly, we’ll also share key principles and methods for evaluating the effectiveness of energy poverty alleviation mechanisms. 

A mix of wide-open and invite-only events

Over the coming months, CEES will host a range of webinars and open days for everyone interested to learn more about our work — and about energy solidarity in general.

For ECs ready to take on the difficult challenge of helping vulnerable households, CEES will offer an Energy Solidarity Capacity Building Programme. Over several months, this will involve more in-depth guidance, training and follow-up opportunities.

This more intense level of engagement will be open to a smaller number of participants, which CEES will select based on level of interest and readiness. ECs are invited to express interest in securing a spot by answering a short questionnaire: 

Deadline to complete the survey: 10 September 2023

CEES will inform interested ECs that have been selected to participate by 15 September 2023, taking into account factors such as geographical spread, the degree to which needs and expectations match what we can offer, and ability to commit to the proposed programme. For those selected, CEES will offer compensation for travel expenses.

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The CEES project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101026972.